Andrew E. Brankley

Scientist. Psychologist. Purple People Eater.

About Me


I am a full-time researcher embedded within the Sexual Behaviours Clinic at CAMH. I am interested in explaining criminal behaviours, optimizing risk communication, and preventing sexual abuse.



I am clinical forensic psychologist in the province of Ontario, Canada. I primarily work with adults with sexual behaviour problems.


I am a certified Static-99R, Static-2002R, STABLE-2007, and ACUTE-2007 trainer, and soon-to-be certified Static-2002R, STABLE-2007, and ACUTE-2007 trainer.


For several years now, I have created YouTube videos aimed at sharing knowledge with staff and the community there is relevant to the prevention of sexual abuse.


I have been honoured to be an invited speaker at several professional events. Topics range, but all involve the assessment and communication of risk for sexual offending.

Scale Development

Proud member of SAARNA and contributor to the development of Static-99R, Static-2002R, STABLE-2007, and ACUTE-2007.

“I would 100% attend another training hosted by Andrew. The content was interesting and the presentation style was stellar.”

Static-99R Trainee

“Dr. Brankley is awesome and seemingly made to teach. He made sitting at my desk all day, enjoyable, worthwhile, and fun!”

Static-99R Trainee

“Thank you so much for this fantastic day! I learned so much and am looking forward to using the Static-99R in my practice. Additionally, Dr. Brankley does indeed have a magnificent beard.”

Static-99R Trainee

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